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Cadenshae sportrinnahoidja raseduse ajaks

Algne hind oli: 55.00€.Current price is: 20.00€.

Cadenshae sportrinnahoidja toetab rinda igapäevaselt ja on suurepärane ka rasedusaegsetel treeningutel ajal. Rinnahoidja kinnitid käivad küll lahti, kuid antud mudel imetamiseks kõige mugavam ei ole.



Cadenshae Sports Bra

When expecting a baby, rapid changes also begin in the breasts, preparing the breasts for imminent breastfeeding. 

Breast enlargement and tenderness are usually one of the first signs of pregnancy. As the pregnancy progresses, the breasts increase even more, and even more as the milk comes in. The skin on the breasts becomes thinner, stretch marks may appear, and a network of blood vessels may be visible. Stretching of the skin can cause itchy breasts.

Breasts start producing colostrum from the 16th week, which is why the breast is heavier and needs good support. This is especially important during training, when the load is significantly greater. Sports bras are designed to better support and fix the chest, which prevents sudden movements, shaking and shock to the chest


Cadenshae sportrinnahoidja sobib igapäevaseks kasutamiseks ning toetab rinda ka raseduse ajal igat liiki treeningutel. Hoiab ära rinna liigse rappumise, põrutuse ning kaitseb rinda järskudel liigutustel ja asendivahetustel. Pakub mugavat ja kindlat toetust suurenevatele ja raskematele rindadele. Kinnitid käivad lahti imetamiseks, kui antud mudel imetamiseks kõige mugavam ei ole.  Väga pehme ja mugav materjal ei sooni ega pigista, mis rasedusaegse ja piima tootva rinna puhul eriti oluline.  Sportrinnahoidja tagune kinnitus on reguleeritav. Kaasas on lisakinnitused. Ka on reguleeritavad õlapaelad. Rinnahoidja see olevad padjakesed on eemaldatavad. 

Care for your sports bra like any other workout clothes. Prefer hand wash or machine wash in cool water with clothes of the same color. Do not bleach or iron the sports bra. It is not recommended to use fabric softeners.


S10, M12, L14

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